Ahhhh, Wednesday, time for something different. Uhhhh, maybe next week. This week it was time for another session of Wednesday stoke in Alpine. While warm, it was not stupidly hot so the climb was not quite the usual summertime brain boil fest.

The lack of death heat was good thing as my legs has some sting in them from the ride yesterday. I actually felt better on the second half of the climb than I did on the first half. I’m thinking I worked some of the kinks of the legs from the day before. Steve was climbing strong as usual and I’m pretty sure he had litte something extra in the tank today.

Before long we were at the top and with our offering to the gravity gods giving it was time point the bike downhill.

Steve flying the “Garth Gap”

I was mighty happy to join Steve in getting both wheels a little further off the ground today. It has been a good while since I had hit “The Corndog” and while I had no style, grace or even looked okay in the air, it was a successful landing.

Further down the trail I gave the 911 roll a few dry runs but could not pull the trigger. Maybe next week.

Picture of the Day – – I am pretty stoked to have gotten this shot. It came out pretty much how I had envisioned it the techncial aspects of the shot worked out for a “one and done” shot.

There whould be no pictures taken on the final descent as way too much fun was being had. The evening was finished off with a recounting of the day at Alpine Beer Company while enjoying one of the guest beers. The Double IPA from Hollister Brewing Company apted named “Crosseyed and Painless” was a might tasty beer.

Today did not suck!