Mountain Bike Bill, The Dirt on the Dirt

The Archipelago Ride

The 14th edition of the Archipelago Ride is in the books. My has this ride grown since the first one I was a part of when it was very much an exploration ride. With a capped field of 750 riders this year this is a major fund raiser for the San Diego Mountain Biking Association … Continue reading “The Archipelago Ride”

The 2009 Archipelago Ride

This is the second year a group of advocates and friends got together to do a ride that has become known as the Archipelago Ride.  Open Space in coastal San Diego County has become very fragmented over the years into a patchwork of “islands of open space”.  The Archipelago Ride concept is one to demonstrate how these … Continue reading “The 2009 Archipelago Ride”

Archipelago Ride

Rich Julian and I have been tossing around the idea for this ride for quite sometime as part of the our “Islands Project” concept of pushing to have all of the our small islands of open space connected throughout the county.  Each little island of open space on its own has a network of trails … Continue reading “Archipelago Ride”

Black Mountain and Lusardi

I am doing the Archipelago Ride in a few weeks and I need to continue toughening up the “leather” in strategic locations. I did a Black Mountain loop that I do on a regular basic and then added on the Santa Luz/Lusardi Loop. For my Black Mountain Loop I started from Black Mountain Park and … Continue reading “Black Mountain and Lusardi”

Back on SoCal Dirt

Man, have I been busy since I got back from Washington.  After a solid week of honey-dos and a couple of lingering projects that needed my attention I was finally able to get back onto some SoCal dirt.   This weekend I’m helping out with SDMBA’s Archipelago Ride by providing some “Navigation”.   There was one section … Continue reading “Back on SoCal Dirt”

Quick Spin at La Costa

This past weekend’s Archipelago Ride really beat the snot out of me.  While it was probably not the smartest way to get back into the saddle, it sure was fun.   I was stupidly sore on Monday and Tuesday.  I normally ride on Wednesdays during the week, but skipped and instead let the midweek ride slide until today.    I decided … Continue reading “Quick Spin at La Costa”