Mountain Bike Bill, The Dirt on the Dirt

Thunder Pass Video

During my summer vacation/road trip I spent some time in Colorado. I managed to catch up with my brother from another mother Jerry. Jerry took me out to American Lakes and Thunder Pass trail a fair ways out side of Fort Collins. It was a really cool trail that took us up above tree line to the backside border of Rocky Mountain National Park. The trails, the views and the hanging with an old friend made for a really awesome day.

Summer Vacation Recap

Work has been a lot of well, work for well over a year. As such my vacation days had piled up to the point to I either had to use them or start losing them. Well I am not gonna have anything thing to do with that so I took the month of August off. I spent a week in Flagstaff, AZ. Then a week near Taos, NM. After that I moved to the Denver CO area. I finished off the last week in Fishlake Utah.

I will get around to posting stuff from spots along the way but here are a few photo snippets.

XC Goodness near Rogers Lake near Flagstaff
Sunset Trail on Mount Elden
A campsite that does not such near Tres Rito, NM
Backcountry wanders abound in New Mexico
The South Country Trail (An IMBA Epic) between Angel Fire and Taos did not disappoint.
Sunset at Chatsfield State Park near Littleton CO
A bit of Colorado Springs trail goodness
Some awesome High Country Goodness way out of Fort Collins
The Pelican Trail at Fishlake was some pretty awesome raw untrammeled goodness
The Fishlake trail had some pretty impressive views

None of the pictures or video footage I have do these places justice. Which is okay if they spark an interest in experiencing them for yourself.