Mountain Bike Bill, The Dirt on the Dirt

Quick Spin at La Costa

This past weekend’s Archipelago Ride really beat the snot out of me.  While it was probably not the smartest way to get back into the saddle, it sure was fun.   I was stupidly sore on Monday and Tuesday.  I normally ride on Wednesdays during the week, but skipped and instead let the midweek ride slide until today.    I decided to catchup with my buddy Michael (aka Yeti_Rider) for a spin through the La Costa Preserve on his lunch break.   I got there a little earlier and as I pulled up I was treated to a bit of a hottie-fest.    Four great looking, fit, spandex clad ladies with knee and elbow pads on.   I tried my best not to look like a perverted leecher.  I’m not sure if I pulled it off our not.  Needless to say, creative domain names for a spinoff of this site started going through my head.    The show was quickly over and within minutes one of the other crazies from the Archipelago Ride showed up.  He was showing his buddy the connector to Elfin.   Good to see the word is spreading.   Finally Michael showed up and we did a loop.  Nothing fancy, nothing long, just some catchup chit-chat along the trail before he had to head back to work.   Just a great day to squeak in a ride on the bike.    

 Greenage at La Costa

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