Work has been a lot of well, work for well over a year. As such my vacation days had piled up to the point to I either had to use them or start losing them. Well I am not gonna have anything thing to do with that so I took the month of August off. I spent a week in Flagstaff, AZ. Then a week near Taos, NM. After that I moved to the Denver CO area. I finished off the last week in Fishlake Utah.
I will get around to posting stuff from spots along the way but here are a few photo snippets.

None of the pictures or video footage I have do these places justice. Which is okay if they spark an interest in experiencing them for yourself.
Oh yeah, looking forward to some great vacation adventure pics!
Glad you are riding and uploading the content. First learned about your site in early 2000s and used it immensely figuring out SD rides. I most recently came back to your site for historical reference with Soquel Demo Forest. I used to live in Bay area over 20 years ago and visited my old haunts 20 years ago. I rode the Demo forest and it was/wasnt familiar (it that makes any sense). Your 2007 report unlocked the mystery for me and I see that its because the DH trails are not the same. With the introduction of Flow trail (the trail I went down) it remodeled the forest in a great way.